

Achieve 30% overall representation of women and 50% women in 领薪水的职位
Implement regional diversity plans, including 30% minority representation in U.S. 领薪水的职位


到2023年底, IP将举办50个月经护理包十大外围足彩网活动, 并与Always®一起, 会提供超过25个吗,向世界各地的人们提供000套经期护理包.


We recognize that stewardship is as much about People as it is about Planet, and we believe that investments in our people and 社区 are investments in our success.

我们的员工福利从安全开始. 最重要的是,这是我们的最高责任. We are committed to achieving zero injuries for employees and contractors. Our safety target is non-negotiable and is a shared responsibility: We look out for each other to ensure everyone returns home safely every day.

我们的社区参与和捐赠战略调动了我们的人民, products and resources to address critical needs in the 社区 where our employees live and work. We can improve our 社区 by improving the lives of the people in our 社区. We implement initiatives to address our signature causes — education, 饥饿, 健康和福利, and disaster relief — through a combination of locally driven support, 赠款资助以及国家和全球合作. 

我们的多元化和包容性框架——劳动力, 工作场所, Marketplace—embraces diversity within our workforce and across our supply chain. Our comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategy drives our efforts to develop our employees’ capabilities, 确保人才库多元化, 提高留存率和用户粘性. 配合我们的培训和发展计划, 我们的目标是创造一种重视所有个人的文化, 参与并为我们的成功做出贡献.






We’re on a journey to build a resilient safety culture based on human and organizational performance principles. The "LIFE" (Life-changing Injury and Fatality Elimination) initiative is focused on eliminating serious life-changing injuries and fatalities in the workplace.

  • 员工死亡人数:0
  • 其他员工人身伤害:19人

  • 承包商死亡人数:1人

  • 其他承包商生命伤害:2


We recognize the importance of strategic collaboration to make meaningful progress across our value chain.

  • 美国红十字会

    International 纸 is a national Annual Disaster Giving Program member for the 美国红十字会. This commitment builds upon International 纸’s long-time support of 美国红十字会 disaster relief programs and helps more than 100 社区 across the country. 

  • 植树节基金会

    We joined forces with the 植树节基金会 to strengthen the resilience of 社区 through the Community Tree Recovery Program – a public and private partnership that distributes free trees to residents in 社区 affected by natural disaster. Through the program, we also support the restoration of forestland impacted by natural disasters. As one of 17 founding members of the 植树节基金会’s Evergreen Alliance, International 纸 champions initiatives that leverage trees as a simple, 自然气候亚洲十大信誉购彩官网, 提高社区恢复力,保持清洁的空气和水, 健康的食物和宜居的气候.

  • 庆祝地球

     International 纸 works in cooperation with 庆祝地球 to distribute butterfly kits and sunflower kits to classrooms around the country. 幼崽提供毛毛虫, 蝴蝶的房子, 葵花籽包, take-home activities and a teacher’s guide with complete instructions for kindergarten through third-grade classrooms. 

  • 扫盲斗士

    International 纸 and 扫盲斗士 are working together to support the Fight for Literacy Games initiative benefiting schoolchildren from kindergarten to 3rd grade. 扫盲比赛赋予NCAA篮球教练权力, their teams and fans to participate in literacy awareness efforts, 志愿者工作和筹款活动.

  • 美国供养

    十大外围足彩网与喂养美国合作, 美国国内最大的饥饿救济组织, to help feed America’s hungry and to support its national disaster relief efforts. We mobilize our people, products and resources to help “Box out Hunger.”

  • 全球食物银行网络

    International 纸 partners with 全球食物银行网络 (GFN) to expand child and family-focused programming to feed food-insecure families in Canada, 智利, 法国, 意大利, 墨西哥, 波兰和西班牙. 

  • 阅读是基础

    International 纸 supports 阅读是基础 through their Books for Ownership program, which gives age-appropriate books to first-graders in school districts where our employees live and work, 这样他们就可以开始建立自己的家庭图书馆了.

  • 统一的方式

    International 纸 annually conducts more than 80 local 统一的方式 campaigns in the U.S. and Canada, enabling employees to donate to their 社区 in a meaningful way. International 纸 matches employee donations by 60 cents on the dollar. 除了财政承诺, employee volunteers participate in a variety of 统一的方式 Days of Caring projects.